What Should Prayer Sound Like?

What prayer should sound like is based on what you are wanting to get accomplished. It’s so much more than, “Now I lay me down to sleep” and, “Lord, bless this food to the nourishment of my body.” Although there’s nothing technically wrong with these prayers, they are usually recited verbatim, and almost instinctively, spoken with no thought. They have become a ritual that we go through.

Prayer is meant to be powerful, earth shaking and life changing.

“Prayer is meant to be powerful, earth shaking and life changing.” Click To Tweet

Several years ago, I was in the prayer room at our Tennessee UPCI Camp Meeting. As I listened to the voices around me calling on God in Holy Ghost anointed prayer, I was moved to record what I heard. Sounds of travail. Sounds of intercession. Sounds of strongholds being broken. Sounds of worship. Sounds of victory. Sounds of deliverance. Sounds of rejoicing. Sounds of a holy symphony that brought Heaven close to Earth.

Prayer Room at Tennessee UPCI Camp Meeting

Familiar voices calling on God. Loud voices. Soft voices. Insistent voices. Desperate voices. Sanctified voices. Commanding voices. Holy voices. Reaching up. Pulling down. Pressing in. Walling out. Fortifying within. Hedging around. Moving Heaven. Suspending Earth.

Isn’t Any Prayer Better Than No Prayer?

 Again, technically, yes, but can you truly be satisfied with lay me down to sleep prayers? Now that you’ve heard Holy Ghost, anointed prayer with your own ears. Now that you’ve heard and felt the power of prayers prayed by sanctified saints in Jesus’ name. Now that you know there is a level of prayer that you’ve never been to, or have forgotten over the years.

The Call To Go Deeper

I encourage you to go deeper in prayer than you normally do. Deeper than you ever have. That is what God is calling you to. Pray until you get past the average and everyday humdrumness of the same old, same old rote prayers, and allow the Lord to take you into deep, life changing prayers that move Heaven and Earth. Holy Ghost infused, devil-chasing, stronghold-breaking, miracle-working, revelation-bringing, vision-casting, life-saving prayers. That’s what God is calling you to, and that’s what prayer should sound like.

“Pray until you get past the average and everyday humdrumness of the same old, same old rote prayers, and allow the Lord to take you into deep, life changing prayers that move Heaven and Earth.” -Pat Vick Click To Tweet

“Pray without ceasing.” (1 Thessalonians 5:17)

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